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Q Branch



Insights, Stories and Actionable Advice on Building Bold Businesses, Teams, Brands and Lives 

Be BOLD, Be Unstoppable

Explore the Power of Brand and Personal Transformation:

Your Gateway to Exponential Growth.


Uncover the art of brand allure and genuine engagement, harness psychological insights and strategic questioning to foster meaningful connections, and leverage NLP techniques to unleash the full potential of you and your team.

Available in PDF and Audio Formats.

Breaking Free from Limitations: Navigating the Lizard Brain for an Expansive Life.

Jenny Jarvis looking up with a surprised and worried expression holding off a monitor lizard. The background is a blue lit up, expansive brain.

Discover how Q Branch helps you to feel expansive, not defeated.

Have you ever felt Expansive?

Do you know what that even means when I ask the question?


Expansive is the moment when you realise anything is possible.


For me it’s a feeling of head high, chest open, eyes wide, arms welcoming and the air around me feels light.


I’ve felt expansive many times.


But I’ve also felt the opposite. Daniel Priestley describes it as “The Lizard Brain”. The fight, flight and freeze brain that blames everyone and everything. This is angry, closed off, small and uncertain; not expansive at all!


It can be hard to feel expansive when it feels that everyone around you is struggling. We had a deep conversation a few days ago where business owners were saying they were second guessing themselves. They are “successful” and aware, yet still the lizard brain was encroaching. We talked about the new moon and how it may be messing with people’s emotions, and we all agreed that we had either felt, or heard a lot of lizard brain going on in the last few weeks. I had a day last week where 3 separate people called me within a morning, all feeling down and desperate. As if expansion was no longer possible.


After 3 such calls, my own expansive feelings started to shrink. I also felt down, a bit lost and worried for the future.


Lucky for me, a few days later I had one of the most expansive experiences of my life, our launch event. We had consciously compiled a list of expansive people. And since then, we have had people who attended coming up to us saying how uplifted they are feeling, how positive for the future they are.


When we surround ourselves with expansive people, everything feels more possible.


I know the world is a tough place to be for many at the moment. Money feels scarce, resources feel like they are running out of time, the planet feels like it is changing and becoming a place humans may not be able to survive in.

I think this can especially be the case in business. You started something because you were passionate and wanted to be your own boss. You wanted to improve the world, or at least offer something that could improve the lives for those around you. But now you feel stuck. You remember that expansive feeling but you are focussed on just paying the bills, ensuring you can cover the salaries of your employees and overheads and making sure your family are OK.

So, when you acknowledge all of that, how can you stop the lizard brain taking over completely? 

Top Tips for Stopping Lizard Brain Taking Over


Look for evidence that the opposite is true.

This is my favourite thing to do. It opens my brain to looking for yellow cars (not literally, but who else gets a punch from their child when you drive past a yellow car?).

Who else is being successful?

Who else has autistic children and they are doing well?

Who else started a business in hard times and flourished?

Who else goes on holiday 4 times a year?

Who else has lost weight and become fit in their 40s?

If you can find others out there doing what you want to do, it means it's possible. You just need to know the right steps.


Breathe through the stress:

I’m rubbish at breathing. If you listen to my breathwork podcast episode 044, you will know that breathing does not come naturally to me. But following breathwork and breathing expansively has definitely helped. Jessie talks us through some breathing patterns so have a listen and see if it helps you.


Tapping to ease anxiety:

I love EFT, when I feel anxious and as if the world is crashing in on me, I tap. It helps. You can find tapping routines easily online.


These tools may not be the right ones for you, but there is always a way of combating those creeping thoughts that don’t help towards expansion.

Master your Mind in our Mastermind


If you are wanting to feel that expansiveness I’m talking about, a great place to start is in our Leading Boldly Mastermind. There you will find a collection of people who want to do better and be better and share their own wisdom towards expansion.

To join us, you must apply to go on the waitlist. We need to make sure the vibe is right because we want it to be the place people come to recharge, find clarity, and grow.

If you are still unsure what is right for you, ask for a first date, it's on us!

We can work out your first step away from Lizard Brain together.

Find Out More..


Founding Partner of Q Branch Consulting, Jenny Jarvis: Expert in Human Transformation, Coach and NLP Practitioner

Jenny Jarvis

Founding Partner of Q Branch, Jenny is a highly trained and experienced Human Transformation Specialist, Coach and NLP Practitioner who is passionate about positive relationships and giving founders and leaders the BOLD Confidence and tools it takes to build BOLD Brands and Cultures. She is also an inspiring keynote speaker and lover of french wine and cheese.

If you enjoyed and found value in the free content I produce and want to say thanks - Why not Buy me a Coffee.


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